CrossFit is about teaching people how to move. It’s about movement patterns that are essential to life, well being, and your independence. CrossFit is an efficient & effective fitness program based on constantly varied, functional movement, performed at high intensity. CrossFit is designed for everyone. It is scalable in all aspects making it the perfect fitness regime for any committed individual regardless of experience.
In our one-hour CrossFit classes members are led by our expert coaches through multiple phases of fitness & recovery:
dynamic warm up to prepare the body
mobility drills to improve & restore joint mobility & function
skill drills to develop proficiency through progressions
strength – olympic weightlifting or power lifting to increase strength of the individual (Not size!)
workout of the day (WOD) – the conditioning aspect of the class that combines running, rowing, jumping, squats, biking, gymnastics, kettlebells, etc
post workout recovery techniques to prepare you for the rest of your day.